Sunday, August 07, 2005

Because a huge celebration for my mother wasn't enough...

we had a big rite of passage tonight at Chateau Cookie.

E finally realized that Zinni will always pay attention to him if he is covered in cereal that is a paste-like consistency and, when dried, makes him look like a breaded baby, ready for a fryer.

And Zinni realized that the baby will let Zinni lick him from head to toe when Mom and Dad are in the kitchen, arguing about the nutritional value of rice vs. oatmeal cereal.

But if the dog eats all the cereal on the baby, then mommy doesn't have to spend as much time cleaning the baby.

It is a good thing.


eyes_only4him said...

yes..and it works well with plates and other fine china:)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm OC as you say. But, that's gross! :) I do like how the two get along and occupy themselves. Great friends they are!

Anonymous said...

OK. I'm going to bed. And, tomorrow, I am going to blog about the dignities lost in getting the Pooh kite shot. :)

Humor Girl said...

lol! My sister babysits at the house so we have a highchair.... Sarah (our golden) patrols it! lol

Leesa said...

Dogs cleaning baby...cute!! Next...dishes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and while Zinni is cleaning things. He can help himself to the actual highchair. That is a mother to keep clean. :)

Robin said...

Reciprocal relationship - a beautiful thing for everyone.

Dogs are also good for cleaning the high chair AND the floor after baby finishes bombing the tile with lunch!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Ah yes....mans best friend! (Also comes in handy for cleaning food encrusted kids too!) :)

momma of 2 said...

Okay...have you heard the joke.
A son goes to stay with his elderly father after his mother passes away. They sit down for their first meal, and the son notices the plates are a little dirty, and the father notices this too - and he says... "Well, it's as good as coldwater can do." and then after they eat the father calls out - "Coldwater, come here, Coldwater" and the fathers new dog, coldwater comes racing to the kitchen and licks the plates clean... say it with me... ewww

BTW - our sammy loves to clean up after supper - she will lick the kids hands on their way to the sink to wash.. I know I used to be grossed out by it, but for some reason you just get used to it..