Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sending out prayers and well wishes

Tomorrow morning (Thursday), one of the Boo's friends is having brain surgery. He is only 8 months old. The prognosis is good, but, as with all surgery, there are risks. Please keep him in your thoughts or prayers--whatever is your thing.

We love you, buddy.


missbhavens said...

Happy, warm, fuzzy wishes, thoughts & good feelings beaming in his little 8-month-old direction right now!

eyes_only4him said...

how sad...I will hold good thoughts:)

let us know how it turns out please

Foxy said...

omg, just 8 mo old?? :(

hoping all the best.

Jaime said...

Awwwwww... poor little guy! 8 months old - eek! Wishing him the best!